Research and practice have repeatedly demonstrated that effective tools and practices fall far short of their potential when sufficient quality assurance techniques are not put in place. Justice systems and behavioral health agencies often find that, over time, intended practices and procedures are either performed inconsistently or not in accordance with the trained methods. We help mitigate this outcome by working with agencies to establish intentional and structured quality reviews, coaching, and other improvement processes designed to reinforce desired practices and identify and redirect practices that are out of alignment with the desired behavior.
Staff Training & Organizational Development
Empower's family of organizations offers training for juvenile and criminal justice staff, as well as organizational development and quality assurance services. Our services are instrumental in ensuring that the people working with at-risk populations are well trained and motivated to provide excellent services.
Organizational Development
We assist criminal and juvenile justice system agencies in making the transition to more collaborative, flexible, and innovative ways of doing business. We apply the strategic thinking and planning required to assess an organization’s readiness for change, manage that change, and evaluate the progress made in achieving the desired change.
Officer Training
We work with agencies in community and facility settings to implement evidence-based training for new officers. Agencies can identify their own topics or choose from a menu of available resources ranging from officer safety and well-being to managing complex and difficult client behaviors.
The goal of our correctional officer training program is to translate the available research and ensure that staff are provided with useful information and practical skills that contribute to positive outcomes with justice-involved clients.
Supplemental Justice Staff Training

- Creating Regulation & Resilience (CR/2), developed in partnership with CORE Associates, is an innovative criminal justice staff training and communication model designed to provide correction staff with the tools they need to facilitate growth and change among their adult and youth clients.
Research suggests that staff can suffer behavioral, emotional, and mental health consequences. For this reason, CR/2 also incorporates self-care strategies that corrections professionals can use to maximize their performance and create resilience and regulation in their own lives.
LEARN MORE → - CogPrimer, an introductory training designed to teach staff in correctional settings how to implement a variety of cognitive behavioral therapy methods and strategies.
Our training and development services are: customized.,research-based.,sustainable. |
Our training and development services are tailored to fit the needs of staff development and organizational goals.
We work with agencies to develop an infrastructure and action plan to ensure that action plans are implemented and sustained with fidelity over time.